THIS YEAR 2021: Oct 1-5 & Nov Sat 20th PARADE & &
ONE YEAR AGO we began:
Hosted by Greg & Susan Winslow of IFMYPEOPLENE
CLICK Picture to unmute speaker
Chief Negiel Big Pond of AllTribesDc Marker 1:21 and
Chief Billy Palis: Marker 1:30
Marker 1:49 are the Native Chiefs with Pilgrim Descendants singing/praising the Great White Spirit: Jehova and His Son Yeshua Hamashiach of Nazareth.

"What Mayflower 400 means to me"
Essay & Art Contest
For Kids
*Follow the rules above in your category of age and either art or essay. Create a pdf with your signature. Write that you give permission for it to be judged and exhibited if chosen. Submit attachment to: no later then midnight November 26th. Include your phone number and address and email.
You must be present to win Nov 28th at THE LIGHT & THE GLORY event at 1:30 at the The MayFlower II in Plymouth, MA on Water Street, Plymouth, MA.
If contacted to exhibit, you must bring the art in a frame with an easel. For the essay, you must bring a printed copy. Entry fee is $5. PRIZE: David B Manuel Literary Award. We are submitting winning art and essay to local papers for publication. And it will be featured on our website.
Thank you for creating & sharing!
1: Fill out the form? Click Send
2: Please also send your Name, Phone, Email, Age, Address, & Parent or Guardian's name too. Click Send
3:Pay entry donation fee?
4: Write a 300 word essay an proof
read it and print 2 copies?
(Download the "Essay Form" below by clicking on it. Save a copy too, in case you need to start over or correct a mistake)
4: Save your essay in a pdf file?
5: Email it to
Submission Deadline: Nov 26,2020 Midnight.
JUDGED on NOV 28th at 1:30 PM at
the Jenny Museum, Plymouth, MA
TO BE AWARDED that day.
David B Manuel
Sir David B Manuel Jr,(1936-2013(
was the co-author with Peter Marshall Jr, of the all-time-best-seller: The Light And The Glory. He was a word-smith who wrote 58 books (12 best sellers). His career included being a Double Day Editor and publisher of Logos and Rock Harbor Press and Awakening Unlimited LLC.
David B Manuel Literary Award.
Exhibit with Artist
ESSAY: 300 word contest. THEME:” What Mayflower 400 Means To Me”. Please submit this in printed form as a word document or pdf. (Ages 5-8 may use parental assistance for typing only, but an original in hand written form must be simultaneously submitted). Ages 12 to 18 should submit a word or pdf document.
ART CONTEST: ages 5 to 18 may enter. THEME: “Mayflower 400”. The media should be in one of or a combination of: pencil, charcoal, pastels, watercolors, acrylic on a canvas 18 x 24 max and 11x8 min. A photo in 300 dpi or higher, edge to edge, in color, should be submitted by email. All winners will bring the original to the November 30th event no later than 3 pm.
Fill this in and email it to us :
**Move your mouse over this entire box and
**Select all** after you fill it out and then
**copy paste** into email to:
I am Entering this CONTEST for: “What Mayflower 400 Means To Me”
As an Artist __ or As an Essay Author __
My Piece is entitled: __________________________________
Size Canvas is _____x_____inches on __Canvas or __Paper or _________
Media is __ Watercolor __Pencil __Charcoal __Pastel __Acrylic or _________
I have an easel to exhibit this if asked to bring my work to the exhibit. __yes
Word Count ________
Word Doc Format: ___________
I give permission for my art to be exhibited and a copy for publicity to be published for no cost to them as media tell the story of the contest and it's winners and judges or any related subjects. ____yes
I am understanding that I must be present to win on November 28th to Win at 1:30 pm Saturday __yes
My name is First Name ___________ Last Name ___________
My Age ______
My phone number is: _________________
My email is _________@_________.______
My address is: ___________________ City_____ State_____ Zip _________
My parent or guardian's name is; ___________________
their phone is: _________________
Their email is: ___________@_______________.__________
I have their permission to enter this contest ___yes.
Signature of contestant _____________________
Signature of Parent or Guardian _______________
I submit this art in a pdf or jpeg file of _____resolution.
Say It! or Paint It!
What Mayflower 400
Means To Me!"