THIS YEAR 2021: Oct 1-5 & Nov Sat 20th PARADE
IfMyPeopleNE.org & PlymRock.org & PilgrimBallet.com
ONE YEAR AGO we began:
Hosted by Greg & Susan Winslow of IFMYPEOPLENE
CLICK Picture to unmute speaker
Chief Negiel Big Pond of AllTribesDc Marker 1:21 and
Chief Billy Palis: Marker 1:30
Marker 1:49 are the Native Chiefs with Pilgrim Descendants singing/praising the Great White Spirit: Jehova and His Son Yeshua Hamashiach of Nazareth.

"What Mayflower 400 means to me"
(covid-19 restrictions of face masks required and social distancing apply)
Event Press Release :
HPII Presents The Light & The Glory's MAYFLOWER400 2020 Celebration
Plymouth, MA – Rev Barry Landon of Oceans of Glory inc, will present MAYFLOWER400 Celebration, taking place in a walking tour of various waterfront and banquet venues on Nov 28 & 29th, and featuring historians:Leo Martin of Jenny Museum, Dr. Bill Federer, Rev. Kevin Jessip, Grammy Award Winner: Barbara Fairchild, Chief Caring Hands and others. (covid requirements strictly apply)
Rev. Barry Landon is proud to bring The Light And The Glory's MAYFLOWER400 event to Plymouth, MA, waterfront and surrounding venues on an all day long outdoor walking tour on this Thanksgiving weekend, to mark the epic event of the 1620 pilgrim journey and landing. MAYFLOWER400.fun will retrace the footsteps and courageous faith of those brave adventurers who forged the pathway to 400 years of freedom in America, such as no other nation had ever yet known.
Starting at 12:30, at National Monument of the Forefather's, on Allerton St, Plymouth, MA, the harrowing journey of the Pilgrim forefathers will be heard in the accurate history lesson of one of Plymouth's chief historians, Leo Martin of the Jenny Museum. It's keynote, as Mr. Martin pointed out to the Landons, who are hosting MAYFLOWER400, is this:
QUOTE: ”The banner of their indomitable courage in this pandemic season, should bring hope to many, who hear it. Those pilgrim forefathers braved the impossible and the improbable. Fleeing the tyranny and murderous wrath of King James, of England, they survived the sinking of their companion ship, then a winter storm that rattled their 100 ft long wooden ship, as they listened to it's main beam crack apart, fearing the certain death of icy Atlantic waters. Blown off course, they nearly starved, landing on Cape Cod, then Plymouth, only to loose fifty percent of their members in a pandemic as severe as covid if not more so, cuddling their dying comrades, burying them under the moon's veil of darkness, in the tremors of uneasy relations with the native folk, whom they had yet to venture forth to form a relationship with.
QUOTE: Dr Shelli Landon: So, what we now celebrate at Thanksgiving, in jovial traditional feast with the delight of football broadcasts, was actually anything but. Theirs was a week long war council on Cape Cod, where indeed wild turkey was shared and the novelty of First Nation's Peoples introducing them to the game of kicking about a pigskin sewn together with sinews, but in lieu of the tinderbox tensions that could have snapped into a massacre for either side at any second. The prayers and passionate faith of those pilgrims, a firm trust in their God and the hospitable spirit of their native hosts resolved it into the anchor of freedom which we all have now celebrated for 400 years. They paid the ultimate price for freedom”.
Can we do no less?
Should not we celebrate this Thanksgiving Weekend, and that bravery and courage with MAYFLOWER400?
Will not that cheer the hearts of many in this great time of fear and loss of 2020?

What better way, to celebrate, than to do a dramatic reading of The Light And The Glory book's MayFlower Chapter? The all time best seller in American history, written by a former Double Day Editor, David Manuel Jr, and the son of the WWII Senate Chaplain, Peter Marshall Jr.,was a local creation from Barnstable County, CapeCod, written in a lighthouse in the 1970's, was hailed at the “bible” of American Heritage, having stemmed from intense research of antiquity archives in libraries at Plymouth Plantation, Harvard University, Princeton, and other revered repositories. Published by Baker Revell, it sold 32 million copies and remained a strong source of historical teaching for over four decades.
Not only will the “MayFlower” chapter of The Light And The Glory be read aloud during a walk along Towne Creek and at a local pub, but also it's companion volume for children, “Mercy Clifton, Pilgrim Girl”. Published by Broadman and Holman Publishers, this part of their “Crimson Cross” series focused on the life of Mary Chilton, (fabled to have been the first European woman to step on Plymouth Rock!) Though written in the genre of historical fiction, its finest details were actually based on well researched passages of William Bradford's diary and other archival documents. One of the co writers, Manuel, Maxwell, Marshall, is actually a descendent of MayFlower II, the return second voyage of pilgrims, Star and Perkins families as notated in the genealogy center of Plimoth Patuxet.
An essay contest for k-12, of 300 words, on the theme of “What Does MayFlower400 mean to me?” is posted on the menu bar of the website: www.MayFlower400.fun. The David B Manuel Jr. Literary award will be given out at the Jenny Museum at 3:30 at 48 Summer Street. All entries should be turned in no later than midnight Friday Nov 27th, 2020.
An Art contest with the same theme is also to be awarded likewise at the same location and time.
The activities schedule for MayFlower400.fun is listed on the footer of each website page and as follows:
Sat Nov 28
12:00 purchase tickets at the Jenny House or ahead of time at www.thejenny.org $15 adults, $10 kids
12:30 National Forefather's Monument Tour led by historian Leo Martin
1:45 Tour of MayFlower II by Plimoth Patuxet Crew (discounted tickets ended Nov 25, but walk-up tickets may be purchased with no guarantee of group admittance, however, those in that category can still join MayFlower400 activities nearby as they), The ticket prices vary between solo exhibits or combined exhibits with Plimoth Patuxet on Rt 3A
then stop at
2:30 at near by waterfront exhibit: Pilmoth Rock, and at
3:00 proceed in a walk up Towne Creek to the Jenny Museum on 48 Summer Street and
3:30 Co Author Sheldon Maxwell will sign books there.
4:00 at the Jenny Grist Mill, next door.
Speakers & Zoom conference follows for those that register online www.MayFlower400.fun, in coordination with a local eatery and covid guidelines.
Sun Nov 29th
2:00 The Green in Hyannis at the Chief Hyannis Statue. Commemoration of the war council and covenant forged in the historical “Thanksgiving Feast”
4:00 Tour of the Plimoth Patuxet Plantation Group tickets deadline is Nov 25th but walk-up ticket sales are possible, although the group inclusion may not occur, due to covid regulations. But those touring will enjoy the same exhibits and experience.
We will not cancel for inclement weather.
Our special guests include authors, historians, artists, musicans, and native tribal leaders.
Click for hotlinks to their bio or website. Or see them on our Speaker link at www.MayFlower400.fun
Chief Caring Hands, (author and chief in Nadick, guardian of the pilgrim's John Elliot bible), Kevin Jessip,Founder of The Return in Washington DC, Bill Federer, Historian and author of best sellers and American Minute Man blog, Connie Wilson, resident of Capitol Hill Washington, DC and Jerusalem Israel, Jeff Leberge, Pastor in Cape Cod, Mr and Mrs Barry Landon. Historians and authors/musicians/flute & harp. Film producers with Northern Lights Productions.
In a time of great uncertainty, fear, and anxiety this Thanksgiving, we can gather courage from the legacy of those who lived before us in more difficult times and prevailed to enjoy a good life again in harmony with others they may not have easily entreated initially. We can gather encouragement from First Nation's Native chief of a tribe that first interacted with the pilgrims 400 years ago:
QUOTE: Chief Caring Hands sets an example of possessing inner strength and identity, while also accepting and loving others as children of God. “People focus on the differences, but the great equalizer is that everybody’s blood is red,” she said. They joy and peace and reconciliation and redemption will be the focus of the zoom conference that ends Saturday events. The zoom chat room will admidt pre registered online guests at www.MayFlower400.fun
PREVIOUS VIDEO DOCUMENTARY of Mrs. Barry Landon, authors David Manuel, Peter Marshall,
Native Chiefs: https://youtu.be/lxuGimQOTqY
Here is information about the two books mentioned from which a chapter about the Mayflower from each will be read by the hosts, special speakers and guests:
QUOTE: Baker Revell Publishers of THE LIGHT AND THE GLORY:
“Does American democracy owe its inception to the handful of Pilgrims that settled at Plymouth?
If, indeed, there was a specific, divine call upon this nation, is it still valid today?
The Light and the Glory answers these questions and many more for anyone interested in the founding of the "great experiment" called America. As you consider our nation's history as a part of God's plan, you will begin to have an idea of how much we owe to a very few--and how much is still at stake.”
QUOTE: FOCUS ON THE FAMILY review of Plugged In
“Mercy Clifton, Pilgrim Girl by Peter Marshall, David Manuel, and Sheldon Maxwell has been reviewed by Focus on the Family’s marriage and parenting magazine. It is in the “Crimson Cross” series.
A character example for youth of selfless love for fellow mankind in a pandemic year: Plymouth, Mass. During her travels and her first year in the New World, she loses her parents, wrestles with whether she should stay or return to England, and tries to keep her thoughts and decisions in line with God’s Word. Along the way, she is attracted to a boy named Jack. Although he likes Mercy and eventually asks her to marry him, Jack focuses on getting rich and being a man of means, not of God. Through facing hardship, meeting Squanto and other American Indians, and cooking a feast of thanksgiving, Mercy chooses to align herself with God’s design, not Jack’s, and trust in His provision.”
Oceans of Glory is a DBA of Harvest Projects International Inc, a federal non profit 501-C-3 since 1989.
MayFlower400 is a “Project” of Harvest Projects Int'l Inc. Having been invited by the Plymouth Rock Foundation in 2013, Mrs Landon and her late co author attended an early planning session for the much larger MayFlower 400 project for 2020. It was later canceled due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
However, small groups of ten are still being allowed to visit the Plimoth Patuxet exhibits and government monuments as long as face masks are worn. Therefore, the Landons felt that a significant national social media * local historical celebration of a key and highly claimed book about that epic event was still possible and capable of infusing recognition to the ancient feat of heroism in the Pilgrims harrowing adventure.
Also the mirror of two pandemic years of 1620 and 2020 was too uncanny to ignore, and the courage of the former could be projected to the latter.
Therefore they, like other small event organizers of 11/11/2020 and the September Lydon House event have successfully pursued the mission in cooperation with above mentioned local authorities. The tragedy of not acknowleging the 400th anniversary of the Pilgrim mission has been addressed in MayFlower400.fun event
A copy of the ReNewed Mayflower Compact of 11/11/20 will also be read and anyone wishing to sign on may do so.
Contact Information:
Barry Landon 918-500-8482
or 774-212-0834
Operations Manager of HPII dba Oceans of Glory